Hi, I'm Linda, the quilt maker at Fabric Creations.
I started making these COZY QUILTS when my kids moved to Texas (I live in Oregon) and I wanted to make quilts for my grandchildren. They didn’t want heavy quilts since they seldom have cold weather. Cozy Quilts worked great.
First you need to understand how my COZY Quilts are constructed. Tops are conventionally pieced. The backing is polar fleece and becomes a combination batting and backing. These are warm, cuddly, lightweight quilts. They are ideal for couch or car throws or bed toppers. The fleece backing helps the quilt stay put on the bed. Because there is no batting involved, these are not hand-quilted or even heavily machine quilted. There is a minimal amount of machine quilting as necessary to maintain shape.
Prices start at $55.00 for a basic 48" x 60" size with a top pieced of 4" blocks. Add $5.00 for an embroidered personalized center block (approx 8" x 8") with up to 5 lines of embroidery. Anything else would be priced according to complexity and time involved.
You can select a theme and/or color choices, and I need to know if you have any special requests, such as backing color, embellishments, embroidery requests, etc. Also if you are going to use this for a wall quilt and not going to wash it, I can re-print photo’s onto a focal square. Photos don’t hold up to washing very well so I don’t recommend for quilts that are going to be actually used. If you want garments recycled into a quilt, yes absolutely I can do that. We need to communicate about what and how many you have of course.
If you are wanting a larger quilt, or have ANY questions about what I can or cannot do, please just email me! Lstelt @ cavenet.com or BESTore @ charter.net